Below are testimonies from Individuals who our staff have worked with and each required a different bespoke approach built to suit each of their needs. Different programs were developed for each individual using modern evidence based approaches which support their individual needs.

- "I cant begin to describe how amazingly beneficial this morning was. I feel like for the first time I have professionals that understand me. Treating me the individual not my labels not trying to define me and pigeonhole me into as one size fits all treatment regime. I'm excited to see where it goes from here".
- "Thank you its the first time for me having a professional I respect and who is also helping me to make great progress".
- "I met ******* shortly after coming out of residential treatment and from the start the down to earth, personable but direct approach made me feel safe and secure at a time when I was particularly vulnerable. I spent two years working with ******* every week and the help enabled me to beat my addictions one step at a time, day by day week by week. The support was unwavering whether I was doing well or not so well at any particular time. For me, ******* gave me the tools to understand my addictions. Using a lot of cognitive behavioral therapy approaches and life skills work, ******* helped me to recognize the impulses, triggers and negative behaviors which were also linked to my addictions. ****** never hesitated to call me out on my bull and at times they knew me better than I knew myself. The help was the foundation for my sobriety today and it gave me the tools and understanding to live a sober, addiction free, happy and productive life today, one day at a time.
From our Training Programs and Webinars
- "A journey that takes you gently with it and gives you an insight of the subject that's easy to understand"
- "Would have loved it was longer. It will help us to think more deeply about how to help veterans and find a new purpose in life"
- "I was stuck to the whole seminar and would do it all over again"
- "Insightful program I learned so much I could have stayed longer"
- "It was great linking in with the circadian rhythms webinar this evening. I highly recommend it. Thank you so much"
"I just attended a Webinar on circadian rhythm delivered by here. I have to say, delivered really well. Summarised in 30 minutes, it gave me a great understanding of what Circadian rhythm is and why it's important and gave me all the information I need to confidently pursue my own further research A++"
"I posted this on the group but I just wanted to post it here too. Thank you so much for the Circadian rhythms session tonight. People always said that sleep is important but I didn't realise just how much and why it is. I'm looking forward to the next session"